How to Optimize your Website to Increase Visitors


Everyone that has a website or an online presence hopes and secretly prays for an increase in some visitors, followers, and likes. But how do we make sure that we receive that footfall on our website? Don’t worry; we’ll let you know.

Here are some points on How to Optimize your website to increase Visitors

Make sure that your site is fast and glitch free: Before you even begin to expect visitors to your site, you need to make sure that your site is fast and all the pages and links are working. When a visitor appears on your site, you do not want the site to be slow or not working. Today everyone has fast internet connections, and if the pages do not load as quickly as they want, you might as well bid your traffic goodbye.

Page Titles: You page titles must be short but informative and not some numbers and random letters. IF your page title has all the right keywords, it has a better chance of showing up in the search results  Thus bringing traffic to your site.

Optimized URL: Use keywords in your URL, this will also help your pages show up in the search results. But do not make your page look like a spam by overdoing it. You need to know how to do it just right. Two or three keywords are ideal. Four to Six is a little overboard. More than that is just spam.

Internal Linking: Always add internal links to your website. This not only helps the users in accessing more relevant content from your site but will also improve your SEO. And this way the users do not stray away from your site and stay longer.


External Linking: Try and get others websites or blogs to backlink to your site. Use Shoutouts or ask relevant businesses to add a link to your site on theirs. In return, you can add their links on your site. This gets you a lot of referral traffic and also improves your SEO in the long run.

Content: In today’s date, this is the most relevant way to help get traffic onto your site. Try and post high-quality content as regularly as possible. Add videos and the visual medium such as pictures, infographics to get more and more visitors to your site.

Social Sharing: When you are producing great content at a regular rate, the best and the quickest way to spread it is the Social Media. Don’t be afraid to share on the Social Media and make your presence felt. In time your social Channels will drive the traffic to your site. Use channels such as Google Plus, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumbler, Pinterest among others.

Use Analytic Tools: Use Analytical Tools to manage your site and to administer the traffic onto your site. This way you will be able to see from where most of the traffic is reaching your website and how they are reacting to your content. Do they stay on your site or not? This way you can effectively monitor and reshape your content and marketing strategy if necessary. Or get to know that you are in the right direction and double down.

Implement Microdata: Implementing microdata, helps bots easily index your website, which in turn helps in showing your site in the relevant search results which drive traffic to your site. This also helps in giving your site rich snippets which help the users looking at the search results know that you may be the one they are looking for.

Make your Site Mobile Responsive: These are the days of the mobile generation. Sites today need to be mobile friendly and responsive. Most of the website development technologies are auto responsive on the mobile devices, but you need to double check. In case you use some third party applications, then you need to make sure that they work well with the change in screen size.

Use Long Tail Keywords: Do not use single word keywords or the most popular keywords, but use long tailed keywords. This helps the aggregators have a description of the keyword so that in time it identifies your site with relevant search results even if that particular keyword is unavailable in your site.

These helpful SEO tips have been sponsored by Launch Source SEO in San Diego, CA. You may learn more about their services by checking them out online at: